Love Sex & Life

Is Online Dating an Option in Nigeria


There are quite a number of online dating apps in Nigeria, and there are even some particularly for certain religions.
Online dating or Internet dating, is a system where individuals can connect and contact each other to arrange a date, usually hoping it will lead to a profitable romantic relationship.
Some basic facts about online dating are:

Weird Wedding Facts: The Crying Wedding


Weddings are happy times that are meant to bring joy, laughter, and tears among the family and friends of the couple. However, the true meaning behind the expression "tears of joy" can be subjective across different parts of the world.

6 Relationship Spoilers You Should Avoid


Why do people break up? As much as every relationship is different, it turns out that there are similar key reasons for every breakup. These reasons also known as 'relationship spoilers' are the cause of a lot of couples split. Here are six relationship spoilers you should avoid like a plague
1. Cheating
Infidelity is such a deal breaker because it leaves the one cheated on feeling unloved, betrayed, angry and hurt. Cheating and lying are conjoined twins, so efforts to patch things up are not always successful. 

The Money Talk: 8 Things You Must Discuss Before Getting Married


It is common knowledge that you may not fully know your spouse until you start living together but it's best to reduce the number of surprises you may encounter before getting married.
Talking about money may not be as easy as other pre-marital topics, but you and your future spouse will do yourself some good by picking a date to have the money talk.
Here are eight things you must discuss before getting married:

5 Common Wedding Pet Peeves And How To Avoid Them


There is no couple on earth who would not want their guests to have a blast at their wedding or to enjoy their special day.
Unfortunately, there are little things (pet peeves) that add up to irk you on your wedding day. Check out five common wedding pet peeves and how to avoid them:

Bride to Wife; How To Enjoy Going From Miss to Mrs


Don't get it twisted the change from being a girlfriend to being a wife is drastic. The responsibilities are enormous, but in all of this, you can enjoy yourself while transitioning into a wifey like a pro. Here are seven tips you should keep close to your heart as you take the new title; 
Be realistic about your expectations

12 Weird Wedding Facts


We all love weddings, and this explains why weddings are well celebrated around the world. Each wedding ceremony is different depending on the customs and traditions that apply.
Therefore what each custom and tradition demands may appear weird to different people around the world. Here are some weird wedding facts that will leave your jaw dropped! 

5 Ways to End a Relationship and Remain Friends

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Relationships are meant to be cherished; no one wants to see the end of a relationship when it starts. The butterflies want to be felt forever, but sometimes the end of a relationship is inevitable. Most people never want to hear or even speak about their ex. This basically depends on how things evolved.

Spark Up the Lost Flame in Your Relationship

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At the initial stage of every normal romantic relationship, the "butterflies in the tummy" moments seem endless. The couple will be so much into each other, attend different occasions together and even at that; they won't be able to get enough of each other.

6 Things Nobody Tells You About Married Life

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It's all fun and games at the beginning of marriage until you discover that married life is not as rosy as it seems. Being married is another journey in itself as opposed to dating or courting where different life experiences influence the decisions you make. Here are six things nobody tells you about married life:
