Love Sex & Life

Secrets to Marital Bliss


Everyone admires a happy relationship, and we all wish to have one. However, it goes beyond admiring and longing to have a happy relationship. It takes a whole lot of effort to achieve this. Some of these efforts which are invested into the relationship are the hidden truth you hardly hear.  Here are some of those hidden truths no one tells you about a happy relationship.

-    They learn from mistakes

4 Annoying Habits That a Bride Should Drop!


The journey to becoming a “Mrs.” could be made relatively easier, but sometimes the wedding buzz takes over the show, altering our financial and emotional mannerisms. Here are four annoying habits that a bride should drop:

Being unnecessarily cheap

Medical Tests Intending Couples Need to do Before Marriage


With the increasing rate of divorce in our society, there is a need to take out time to plan and understand what exactly you and your spouse are getting into. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, and as such, it should not be rushed into but be properly planned.

However, people hardly plan or take out time to understand what marriage entails before jumping into one. They are simply carried away by the glitz and glamour of the wedding ceremony, and unfortunately, they end up living their worst nightmare.

How to Tell a Person Is Emotionally Unavailable


The endless circles of “I thought we would end up dating” should come to an end when you learn to identify if your potential love interest is emotionally unavailable. Sometimes the signs are there, and we end up not thinking much of them or even ignoring them.

Things Every Newlywed Needs to do Before Having Kids


Children are beautiful gifts from God. However, parenthood should be planned. This is because children require a lot of care and attention. Also, first-time parents should be in the right state of mind to understand the responsibility of having and raising a good kid.
So as a newlywed couple, there are some certain things you should do before having children.

-      Get to know each other better

Popular Excuses given To Avoid Getting Married


Your mid-twenties are when you’re considered to be in your prime, the best years of your life where you look good and feel good. At this time, you are probably scheming the next big move that will advance your career while also making sure your hair, skin and nails are on fleek! Then the inevitable questions start to pop up: “When are you getting married?” or “When are we seeing him?”.

When Love Gets Twisted


All thanks to reading romantic novels and watching lots of "love movies", we fell in love with the idea of “love”. The mass media has also helped in painting a misleading picture of what love ought to be.

Most times, the picture of love portrayed is just rooted in obsession, lust, and infatuation. As a result of this, we grow up with some wrong idea of what love is.

6 Marriage Proposal Ruiners To Avoid


As a woman, sometimes you can tell if something fishy is going on with your lover because of his incessant actions and evident uneasiness. Chances are that he’s planning something out of the ordinary and you could potentially offset his plan through your words, actions or lack of it.
Here are six ways through which you could potentially ruin your significant other’s marriage proposal:

A dream wedding ring

6 Ways to Find Your Dream Man


Every girl wishes to end up with her dream man. For this to happen, you either have to find him or be found by him. There are few things to do to make this happen. Some of which are:

1.    Be at the right place.
This could be different for everyone but basically, if you have an idea of the kind of events or places you think you can come across your dream man, why not be there?. Places like restaurants, book clubs, gym, swim classes, conferences and social events. You just may be discovered by your dream man in some of these places.

Other Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse Without Saying "I Love You"


Like the saying goes “actions speak louder than words”. Love is beyond just saying the three magic words which are “I love you”. You also have to prove your words by showing how much you love your spouse and this is also very important. Showing your affection will help remove every iota of doubt your spouse may have about your relationship or marriage.
Below are ways to show love to your spouse without saying it.

-    Lend a helping hand