Love Sex & Life

To Give A Promise Ring Or Not?


The intention behind a promise ring is meant to be pure and immediately calls for an “aww” moment, and although rings are gifted in Nigeria, the practice is more popular in Western communities. Promise rings are given to women or worn by them for some reasons including:

5 Steps to Get that Proposal from Him


Ladies, Valentine day is around the corner, and this is just the perfect time to get that proposal from him. Both of you have been together like forever, and you both know you are ideal for each other but he is not popping the question yet and the wait is taking forever.
I guess it is high time to swing into action to get the proposal.

5 Creative Proposal Ideas

Will you marry me?


The clock is ticking, and you have reached that point in your relationship where you are ready to commit and lay your cards out. You are also in possession of the perfect ring but how do you get your message across with these four famous words: “Will you marry me?”. Here are five creative proposal ideas to help you out this year:

What To Do When Your Spouse Can’t Get Over an Ex


Sometimes, life gets in the way and throws you some lemons. Now is the time to make lemonade, drink it and remain whole.
How did you find out your spouse can’t get over an ex? Did he or she tell you, did you notice phone calls, stumble upon their hang out plans or make a shocking discovery? Fear not, here are some suggestions to get past the painful pangs of the 'past.'

Single Parent? Top Tips to Success


Single parents exist in every society due to divorce, making a conscious decision to be a single parent, due to the death of the other partner or a multitude of other reasons. Whatever the reason, single parenting is not easy in any way, and anyone who has been or is in this position know how much hard work goes into taking care of a child or even children alone.

So, are you a single mum or dad struggling to keep up with the responsibilities that come with this 'special job'? Read my tips below to help things move along smoothly.

5 Romantic Ways To Resolve Conflicts In Your Relationship


Even couples with the healthiest relationships disagree, it is normal. The best thing to do is to handle issues as soon as they arise, with peace and not “victory” as the goal. There are romantic ways to resolve conflicts in the sweetest way possible, but they will not get you out of doing the real stuff:  listen (no interruptions!), admit wrong or at least be willing see things from another angle; and APOLOGISE. Alright, let’s assume you have all that in the bag. Drive home the point and inject a massive dose of romance into your relationship with one of these smooth moves.

5 Top Valentine’s Day Ideas


The love season is upon us and you aren’t prepared to give your Val the best of the best.

7 Useful Tips For Attending A Singles Mixer


Online dating may not be your thing because you prefer to meet people physically and decipher whether you would like to become more acquainted within five minutes. Events like Singles Mixers are perfect for people who have been carried away by their careers or who may not have had any dating luck in the past. Are you thinking of attending a singles mixer? Here are eight useful tips to help you out:

Dress to Impress

How To Get Some Sleep The Night Before Your Wedding Day


The night before your wedding, your mind is bound to be buzzing with thoughts, worries, excitement, preventing you from nodding off. But, a lack of sleep can mean dark circles, puffy eyes and skin dullness, not ideal for your wedding day.

Here are a few tips for getting the best night's sleep before your wedding day:

Work Out Your Optimum Sleep Time

10 Rules For Online Dating


Online dating- a lot of people do it and don’t want to admit that they do because they may be judged as creepy, not confident enough to approach someone or just looking for a casual hook-up.

However, lots of people have met on dating sites and have even walked down the aisle. As with dating in person, there are rules to online dating. Here are ten rules that should be considered when embarking on this journey: