What Kind Of Spouse Are You?

We know a lot of us are guilty of this. Which one are you? 


The Clumsy One

You don't fail to break something every day, one minute you're splashing hot oil everywhere another minute, you're breaking the favourite plates you got for your wedding. You're an expert at waking your spouse up because you just hit your leg on the bed frame.



The Lover Lover

These ones like to show face everywhere. PDA, it's you, social media, you are there. You're also used to buying everything else that's romantic except the one your partner asks you to buy. Fear God.




You have everybody's gist and you like to gist your partner even when they are not interested. You can carry someone else's headache on your head and get upset when your partner doesn't care about the topic.



The Questionnaire

You're the Queen/king of questions! Why do I interest you? What did you do to me that's making me love you? Resist the urge to shalaye plis.



The Jealous one

You are always going through your spouse's phone, asking questions like who's Esther? Is she your ex? Why are they calling you work husband/wife? Please let's be calming down



The Overtly Calm One

You hate showing yourself, every time you will be keeping quiet. You don't like functions or anything that has fun in it. You love to form holy by nature. Please jazz up before you bore your partner to death.



The Assumer

You can like to assume for Africa. When everyone thinks you're done, you come up with random assumptions. You also like to guilt-trip simultaneously. Spouse: *blinks* . . . Assumer partner: Oh baby are you trying to say I can't keep quiet for a second?



The Distractor

Working from home with you is difficult. Every minute you're displaying thirst traps and asking unnecessary questions. You spend more time werking in the bedroom than doing office werk.



The Enjoyment Papa /Mama

You just want to relazz and be taken kiarof. You're at every hangout and anything that smells like a celebration. Now that the lockdown is over, we will be seeing you in full action.



Written by SWP editor