Ways to Rekindle Romance in a Relationship

Photo Credit: Instagram


Falling in love is fun, but after that, you can fall into a routine and might need to work to rekindle the romance you had at the beginning. Romance is the feeling of excitement and mystery related to love.

And there are several reasons why romance might be lost in a relationship. That includes:

  1. When one or both parties feel disconnected.
  2. When you both share the different meaning of what romance and love are.
  3. When there is a loss of physical and mental attraction.

Also, the romance in your relationship might need to be rekindled:

  1. If you both struggle to talk to each other; and have resorted into having only practical mundane discussions.
  2. If one partner or both of you don’t bother with hugs and cuddles 
  3. If you can’t remember the last time you had fun together.

So, here are 7 ways you can rekindle the romance in your relationship:


  • Plan a date night

Date night is simply time spent together talking about yourselves in a deeper way that you would not do over the phone or in a busy place.
It is simply setting time aside to be together in a good location/ambience where you both can look into each other’s eyes and feel the love again. 
Date night doesn’t have to be expensive, it can even be in the comfort of your home, but the atmosphere specifically prepared for an intimate time.


  • Talk more

You both need to learn to talk about everything. Just talk.
It doesn’t matter what you talk about. It could be about your day, your work, your friends and some other simple things. Just make it a habit to talk with each other a lot.


  • Shut out distractions

It is very easy to get distracted with everything, including other people’s supposed ‘fun’ relationships on the internet, that you lose interest in yours. 
Work on focusing on each other. And when you are together, drop the phone, forget the workload and make an effort to keep your attention on the person in front of you.


  • Focus on the positives

The only way to have a good relationship with yourself and with others is to focus on the good (because we all have a bad part).
Stop complaining and emphasizing on the negatives, it will only make the person less confident and loved around you.


  • Give of yourself

You need to make up your mind that for everything you give in the relationship, you give it because you love your partner and it doesn’t matter if they give you something back in return. 
Of course, it’s hard to accept that ideology, but it is a better way to deal with expectations that might rob you of genuine love and romance.


  • Choose peace

There is no way you will feel romantic towards your partner if you are bothered about being right half of the time. Choose peace.
Anger/resentment doesn’t give room for romance or even love to blossom.


  • Do silly things together

Never underestimate the power of laughter. Choose outings that will help you both relax and have fun with each other.


Written by SWP editor