Nigeria At 60: How Would You Describe Your Relationship?

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

To celebrate Nigeria at 60, we decided to ask a couple of Nigerians how they would describe their relationship with Nigeria. 

If Nigeria was your girlfriend/boyfriend, how would you describe your relationship?

This has to just be wickedness, because how can you ask me that question? Can't you see how I'm suffering?

I will describe that relationship as dead.


I'm not happy even though I'm not invested in this country. Ah if Nigeria was a real person I will kill her for the good of everybody.


If Nigeria was my boyfriend, I will dump Nigeria.


Abusive. But I keep coming back because I don't have enough to leave and she knows this but continues to be abusive because that's what abusers do. Make sure you don't leave and make your life hell.


I'd say it's a good one. Regardless of the corruption and all. . .almost everyone I love and care about is a Nigerian. We don't have too many crazy things like volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes.


Toxic. I stay because of some of the benefits. But away from that, I am stressed every day and I become less appealing to ''other boyfriends."


Very very abusive, I'm trying to get out, but he's not letting me go.


Let's see some of your comments below!

Written by SWP editor