The Ladies Guide to 'Shooting Your Shot'

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Have you ever had a tug-of-war in your mind, overthinking if you should ‘shoot your shot’ with a guy or not?

Well, I have.
From my experience, here is what I found out to be the ultimate ladies guide to shooting your shot:


1.       Showing Interest

This involves expressly acknowledging the guy’s existence and can be done with a drop-dead gorgeous smile or even striking up a friendly conversation.

You don’t have to give him your number; hopefully, after building some rapport, he will take the initiative to get yours if he likes you!


2. Tasteful Flirting

This is otherwise known as giving the green light! Your intention here is to let him know that he can get it (JOKE)! You are letting him know that you like him, his aura and that you are physically attracted to him.

Compliment his haircut or his nicely groomed beard. If his chest and biceps are popping, drop a comment about him being dedicated to the fit fam life and ask him about his workout regimen; maybe even hint that you’d like to share some of that gym time with him.


 3.       Be Subtle

Men know that a lady who is not afraid to drop compliments is a confident one and a lot of men love confident ladies. However, this does not mean you should drop compliments every second to impress the guy.

Pace it and let him also compliment you to be sure the admiration and attraction are not one-sided.


 4.       Have No Strong Expectations

Whatever happens, you must not come across as desperate. Do not show your disappointment openly if your tactics are not working because this may be a turnoff.


 5.       Body Language

Your body language should be alluring and receptive; it should leave a guy curious to discover more but have him thinking you are comfortable being around him.

A lady can shoot her shot this way by crossing her legs and leaning her chest forward, expressing that she’s yearning to learn more about him. Playing with your hair is also recognised as a subtle way of flirting.  


 6.       Tailored Confidence

As a follow-up to body language, meet a guy with your chest out and your shoulders back. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and smile a lot.

This demeanor puts others at ease, and they may be more receptive to your shots!


Like I mentioned above, this guide has been curated entirely from my experience, and like every other guide, it doesn’t mean your outcome will be 100% successful as well. Although, there is no doubt that your point will be made.

Have you ever tried shooting your shot?
(Remember that the catch is to do this tastefully, without seeming like you are just after a diamond ring!).

Written by Feso Adeniji