How To Plan A Money Date With Your Spouse

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Money is such a contentious issue between couples; its best to approach it with caution. It’s a necessary conversation that needs to be had especially if you plan to live together happily for the rest of your lives. Some couples may not be on the same page when it comes to handling finances thereby necessitating the need for these meetings to avoid financial infidelity.

Here are some tips on how to plan a money date with your spouse to discuss your finances:


Set A Target 

First of all, identify how often you would want to meet over money matters and the specific goals you wish to conquer. These may include setting up a trust fund for your children, creating a regular saving habit towards investing in real estate and paying off any individual or collective debts.

This step will set the tone for your regular meetings so be patient with your spouse as you seek to understand before being understood. Hiding financial problems from your spouse could be detrimental to your relationship.


Map Out Essential Topics

Each money date you have should be focused on certain topics so that you can cover certain issues over a period of time. You may choose to break down the target of investing in real estate into different steps and take actions to fulfil this for the duration of your investment period. 


Pick Your Language 

When you are having money dates, it is important not to sound harsh towards your spouse. Prior to the meeting, go over what you would like to discuss and internalize the effect of how you might communicate it. The aim is to maintain openness and truthfulness. 


Itemize Your Do’s and Don’ts

Such a list will act as your guideline towards meeting your financial goals. These may include restricting the purchase of certain things like expensive clothes and shoes or cutting down the length of your holidays. 


Identify Accountability Measures 

At the end of every meeting, ensure that your partner has a list of deliverables and deadlines by which they should be fulfilled. Your spouse could check on your progress before your deadlines to ensure that you are winning as a team. If you ever have problems meeting your deadline, do not be afraid to ask for some advice on the best way to conquer the deadline with your spouse. 

Using these tips could actually grow your bond and bring you closer as a couple. Stay committed to your goal for better or worse and watch your relationship and finances flourish!


Written by Feso Adeniji