Essential Home Gadgets To Have Before Marriage

Photo Credit: The Balance

Nigerians come from different walks of life, have diverse backgrounds and experiences but one of the commonalities is our desire for love and to start a home with one's partner.

To start building one, you'll need to lay some foundation which is why it's best to invest in some home essentials before marriage. It'll help make the settling transition seamless. Home, they say is not built in a day, and if you're starting to put an apartment together for this journey, here are essential home appliances you should consider getting. 


Washing Machine 

Laundry can be the most annoying and time-wasting chore in the history of chores. There's a peace of mind that comes with having clean clothes and not having to bother about laundry service or washing. 


Refrigerating Set

We all know the essence of this piece of equipment, it literally saves lives. It is a must-have in every single home. Prepare your food in bulk and store it. You're ready to eat? Take it out and heat it to your liking. Which brings us to the next item on the list.



Food is the fuel we need to function properly and what's better than heating up your meal on the go. You can use it for other alternative things like making eggs, steaming vegetables, Hydrating stale bread, Disinfecting boards, etc. 


Inverters or Generating Set

If you live in Nigeria, this must be the first thing on your list. Having an alternative electric supply is very important for survival. Depending on your preferences, a generating set, Solar panel, or an inverter. Sometimes you may combine all 3 as back up. It sometimes is that bad depending on the region. 

Having these materials are a great way of starting a seamless life in marriage. 

Written by Dammy Lawal