Ask Sugar: My Husband's Brother Is Making Passes At Me

Dear Sugar,

My brother-in-law started living with us some months back. He's two years younger than my husband and has recently started making passes at me.

At first, I thought it was a joke. One evening when I was cooking in the kitchen, he started telling me about how he likes how I treat and respects my husband and wishes I was his wife. I laughed it off and told him God will provide a woman that will do the same for him.

It's been weeks after that and I sometimes catch him staring at me, licking his lips. He also revisited the conversation we had and said he meant it and has been trying to badmouth my husband's actions. Please advice.

L. A


Dear L.A,

Having a brother-in-law who seems hell-bent on destroying the relationship you have with your husband in your marriage is a bad idea. Since family matters can sometimes be dicey, you should back up your issues with video or audio recordings to your husband. It's important that he leaves your home first and he assures you (and your husband) that no harm will come to you.

Wishing you all the best



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