Ask Sugar: I Want A Baby But He Doesn't

Dear Sugar,
My boyfriend and I have been dating for three years, and he's been making hints at proposing. We have a lovely relationship going on, and I won't deny that we're in love. Since we started talking about our plans, I find out that he doesn't want a baby.

His reasons are on the fact that he doesn't want to feel trapped. He will like to go everywhere with me without having to affect a child's life negatively. Then, he mentioned that he doesn't just like kids.

I am very distraught about this because I would love to have his child. I tried to convince him otherwise, but he seems adamant about it. What can I do?



Dear B.B,
Loving someone does have its risks and clauses. It's great that both of you are discussing your plans for the future. It shows how invested you are to the relationship. Amongst other intricate matters that you will both discuss, having a child is one of them. You will need a lot more than love in your marriage; trust, respect, self-control and sometimes, sacrifice.

You should be aware that if he doesn't change his mind now, there are chances that he wouldn't do so in the future. If you find that your interest in having a child is higher than his, you might need to have a rethink in your relationship. If you force your way and have a child, he might blame you consistently, and you might eventually have a toxic relationship.

Remember that you have a long period ahead of you, and it's necessary to make the right choices, especially with core issues such as this.

Wishing you all the best,




Image Inspiration: Cosmic Ray Int'l