Ask Sugar: I Have Lost My Self-Esteem Since My Breakup

Dear Sugar,

I have been battling with trying to get myself back on track, and it's been almost impossible. I was in a mentally abusive relationship for two years, and my ex-boyfriend did everything to break me down.

I am an entrepreneur, and since COVID-19, I've had a serious downtime in my business. At some point, my ex was constantly helping me get clients to build me up.

I guess that was one of the reasons why I fell hard and got obsessed with him. I had to cancel some work because he was Ill so I could take care of him. I endured a lot of insults and derogatory statements during the relationship.
I honestly need help to get back on my feet.

M. O


Dear M.O,

This must be really difficult for you. First, you'll have to surround yourself amongst friends and family who love and care about you. Remember that his derogatory statement, regardless of how hurtful, does not define you. Pay more attention to your business, understand that you can get clients without his help. 

The process of getting back your mental health is gradual, you'll be needing all the help you can get which might include a therapist. In any case, ensure that objects that remind you of him are disposed of. 

Wishing you all the best,




Image Inspiration: Daily Active