7 Things Happy Couples Regularly Do Together

Photo Credit: Pinterest

It's easy to get distracted with all the things you see on social media about happy couples. But if you'd like to have an endless stream of happy memories and good times, here's a list of beautiful things in-love couples do together. 


Make Each Other Laugh

Couples who tend to make jokes and laugh about random things are the best of friends. While you may not be a comedian, you can make a conscious effort to make yourselves smile by sending funny videos or watching funny things together. 


Go Out On Dates

Relationships that don't involve constant hangouts tend to get filled up with tension. Happy memories are formed from hanging out together. So, you should consciously plan outings at specific periods. 



Cuddling always does the trick. It contains oxytocin that helps you relieve stress and calms you. Having to cuddle with the love of your life is a beautiful experience and boosts happy communication between couples. 


Get Away Together

Just like fairytale movies, happy couples tend to have weekend getaways. Whether on impulse or planned, surprise or treat each other to more get-aways where you can renew your love life.  


Spend Holidays Together

Sharing special occasions like holidays shows how invested you are in the relationship. It becomes an unplanned, but happy-to-do routine for couples who are in love and happy together. 


Celebrate The Little Wins

It could be as little as celebrating a personal goal or reliving the first date you had together. Little things matter a lot to happy couples, and they are unafraid to express the joy that comes with it. 


Compliment Each Other

As much as we tend to deny it, compliments go a long way. Not only does it boost confidence in the relationship, but it also increases the self-esteem of partners. If you'd like to make a happy relationship, always make yourselves feel good by remarking how wonderful they are. 

While a relationship isn't always rosy, making the best part of it memorable requires dedication from both ends. 



Written by Dammy Lawal