7 Sure Signs That You're Not Ready For Marriage

Photo Credit: Pinterest - MadamNoire

Marriage, they say, is a beautiful thing, especially with the right person. Often, marriage is thought of as the ultimate next step for people in a relationship. However, a lot of couples do not sit to think about all the reality of getting married.

Even though you can't be completely certain, a couple of things need to be sorted out before getting married.

Here are 7 glaring signs to know that you are far from ready:


You Have Doubts

Constantly doubting yourself and your partner is a bad sign.  The best thing to do is to weigh your doubts and the certainties in your relationship.  If your doubts are higher, then marriage has to wait till all is figured out to avoid hurt and a disappointing future. 


Fear of the Unknown

Change can do many things to people. That's probably why a lot of people are hesitant with life-changing decisions. Having an unchanging fear of the future will mean rethinking your current plans of marriage.  Fear is a great deterrent, if you do not squash it, you may not get anything good done. 



Getting married should be your personal decision. If you notice you're getting married because of pressure from family or friends, it's time to take a break on your marriage plans. 


Fear of Commitment 

Unwillingness to commit is a tell-tale sign that you are not ready; because what is a marriage without commitment? 



If you have never compromised in your relationship and you're not ready to, then you should not rush into marriage. Once you do, you will find the idea of give-and-take quite difficult.  


Varying Values

If you and your partner have conflicting values then you are not ready for the journey to forever. It's important that you have aligned on most things before proceeding to the next step. 


Quick fix

Marriage is not for you if you think it will be the solution to all of your problems. Realise that there will be imminent issues and being oblivious to this reality will lead to bigger issues in your marriage. 

Before you take the next big step, make your priorities clear. Ensure you are getting married because you believe in the ideals of the union and all that comes with it, not for selfish reasons or ulterior motives.




Written by Lola Akinseye